We are living in the
What are you waiting for?
Release Your Rowdy.
The #ReleaseYourRowdy campaign was created for Rowdy Mermaid to resolutely align the brand with a generational culture shift. Fearlessness, curiosity, and putting yourself first is a refreshing and widely embraced social movement. Subverting who you are is no longer valued. Instead of just yearning, we take action and pursue our burning desires. So - go for it. Jump into the deep end of the pool. You’ve got nothing to lose. Trust us. After all, we are Rowdy Mermaids.
Shot list
Despite the overall campaign needing to look and feel cohesive, we wanted each of the subject's cutdowns to feel more imbued with their passions and personalities. A specific shot list was curated to balance brand visibility with subject representation. With only 0:15 to accomplish conveying a story while also showcasing a product, each shot needed to be strategic and intentional.
Activation strategy
To help the audience connect even more to the stories being told, we asked each subject to give us their top 10 songs to create custom Spotify playlists. Need a creative boost? Listen to Ron Carter on Kelsie's Mix. Or what about something to get you psyched to move your body? Try MGMT in Alli's Mix.
engagement on the most successful campaign video posted to Instagram