The project
"The documentary series "Divisible" explores the national policy of redlining using Omaha, Nebraska, as a case study to understand how redlining impacted people of color and why it remains relevant today. Yet most Americans do not know what 'redlining' means, much less its powerful and persistent implications. This lack of understanding about redlining skews many Americans' perceptions of various socioeconomic disparities past and present. This series aims to build awareness of the historical context that precipitated redlining, and the ways redlining’s effects are still felt to this day.
The process
The idea of placing an asterisk next to "With Liberty and Justice For All" was meant to imbue the viewer with mystery. What's the caveat? What - or who - is excluded from "all"? Real redlining maps from the Omaha city archives were manipulated into more modern, high-contrast line art for the posters, metaphorically referencing how redlining has been glossed over and ignored yet remains omnipresent - perpetuating generational disadvantage and the systemic oppression of Black Americans.
The website
The website design needed to showcase the docuseries' subject matter in a literal and obvious way to juxtapose its hidden nature in real life. Attention to detail was crucial in accomplishing this, as subtle yet unavoidable elements such as hover animations and the hamburger menu were utilized as nods to redlining.